West Horsley Dental
West Horsley Dental Overview
- When Dr. Mazin Al-Zabari approached Hexaline, he wanted to launch the first dental practice in West Horsley, Surrey. He chose to work with us after he was impressed and delighted by our portfolio and saw the value the work we do could bring to his new business.
- For Dr. Al-Zabari, we took special interest when crafting the branding for the practice. We wanted the branding to influence the look and feel of the website and the digital marketing we deployed. Therefore, the branding needed to be the main driving force behind decisions such as what colours to use for the website and other company sta-tionary. When designing the website, we had Dr. Al-Zabari’s customers in mind and this helped shape some of the decisions we made including what features to integrate into the website.
- Our expert team helped with the following lines of work:
- Branding
- Website
- Digital Marketing
- Maintenance and Support

- Dr. Al-Zabari’s vision was to open dental practice for the local customers. With this in mind we wanted the logo to incorporate the core values of the community and village of West Horsley. The logo also had to be familiar so as to make Dr. Al-Zabari’s cus-tomers instantly recognise it and engage with the business. To achieve this, we drew influences from the surrounding environment. The logo is derived from the famous an-cient woodland Sheepleas woods in the south of the village. The tree in the logo repre-sents the village and its qualities and characteristics and simultaneously it represents a root canal, making a link to the type of business.
- The website that our team designed for Dr. Al-Zabari’s dental practice needed to be mobile responsive as many people are using their mobile devices to do just about any-thing. We wanted to used a simple design that allows the user to focus on finding the information and services they need easily. Also included on the website, integrated contact forms and new patient registry forms to allow new patients to register online and to give the Dental practice a database for all their patients within the website.

- The West Horsley Dental website has been running for a number of years for the local dental practice in West Horsley. The website has been fully tested across a wide rangeof devices to ensure compatibility on all platforms. Our team conducted an SEO for thewebsite to improve search engine ranking. In addition, local keywords have been inte-grated to increase the rank of the website in Google searches. Hexaline continues to provide website maintenance and support to Dr. Al-Zabari’s business and we will up-date SEO and keywords when required.

Drop us a line
(+44) 0208 050 4227
4th Floor, Silverstream House,
45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia London,